A Capitalist Fairytale or A Nightmare?

From the outside, it may sound like the perfect story. A capitalist fairytale if you will. The CEO of Salesforce has “generously” agreed to donate employee time and his own fortune to save San Francisco public schools. But on closer exception, it all sounds very suspicious. Why did the Mayor of San Francisco feel the need to reach out to a CEO to fund public education? Why are SF schools struggling so much that they need to turn to a corporation to keep their doors open? 

The collaboration between Salesforce and San Francisco points to a larger issue: Prop 13. Because of Prop 13, our state ranks 44th in the nation in education funding and we are forced to turn to private donations for support. We need to reform Prop 13 so that our schools can remain independently funded, without the influence of mega capitalist CEOs! 

Yalonda James, SF Chronicle


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