Jackie Fielder’s Win is a Beacon of Hope

Jackie Fielder has won the election for San Francisco’s District 9 supervisor. She came out ahead with 57.6% of the vote to the second place candidate’s 42.4%. Fielder is part of the the San Francisco chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, and will take the mantle of lone democratic socialist supervisor from Dean Preston, who lost his reelection bid. District 9 is one of San Francisco’s most progressive districts, and includes the Mission District, Bernal Heights, and the Portola. Fielder’s main priorities as she takes office are safety, housing, and homelessness.

Fielder’s progressive priorities are the reason she triumphed over astroturf moderate Trevor Chandler and his corporate backers. Chandler’s messaging of crime fearmongering and punching down at our most vulnerable citizens did not resonate with District 9 voters, while Fielder’s message of hope and progress did. Fielder is the candidate the most progressive part of San Francisco deserves, someone who will fight for underserved communities and make San Francisco a better place, not just capitalize off of its problems. Fielder is exactly the person San Francisco needs right now.

Gabrielle Lurie / The Chronicle


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