Save Our SF Schools

San Francisco Unified School District is facing severe financial distress, with projections indicating it could run out of funds to pay its bills within a year. State education officials have intervened, granting fiscal appointees the power to suspend or reverse the district’s financial decisions. This extreme measure reflects the district's ongoing struggles with a structural deficit, exacerbated by declining enrollment and poor fiscal management. The district, which has been overspending for years, must now enforce an immediate hiring freeze and possibly close some schools. Despite recent efforts to mitigate the financial crisis, the state remains unconvinced of the district's ability to resolve its fiscal issues without significant oversight.

Californians, why are we complacent while our public schools teeter on the brink of collapse? Our education system is underfunded, and our schools are struggling to stay afloat. This crisis in San Francisco is a stark reminder that we need long-term solutions to prevent such dire situations. Reforming Proposition 13 is essential to ensure sustainable funding for our schools. It's unacceptable that in a state with immense wealth, we allow our children’s education to suffer due to fiscal mismanagement and inadequate resources. Let’s demand action and accountability to secure the future of our schools.

Photographer: Scott Strazzante/The Chronicle 2022


Prop. 13 misrepresented


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