The Students Who Are Fighting For Affordable Housing
At San Jose State University, a coalition of students known as the Student Housing Alliance is fighting to end homelessness and housing insecurity among SJSU students. Their demands include expanding the number of emergency housing beds, seven safe parking spaces for those living in their vehicles, and more accountability in providing food and housing assistance to unhoused students. Since 2021, SJSU officials have received 300-400 requests or referrals for emergency housing for students every year. According to some students, the availability of emergency housing is not widely advertised, often placed on an out of the way pinboard at the back of a building. The administration is failing its unhoused students, and the Student Housing Alliance is forced to pick up the slack on top of their other responsibilities.
Even though secure, affordable, safe housing is one of the most important factors in student success, student homelessness is an issue not often talked about when discussing both homelessness and education equity. Particularly in the Bay Area, where not only is there very little affordable off-campus housing for students, but there are many students who do not receive sufficient financial assistance. We must listen to the voices of students who exist on the front line of this issue — the only way to unlock true educational equity is to ensure that every single student is safely and affordably housed. Student homelessness should be front of mind for both housing and education advocates, because only by collaborating and working together can we end student homelessness and housing insecurity.
San Jose State University students still battling homelessness
By Lorraine Gabbert | NBC Bay Area | December 19th, 2024