Why Teachers Can’t Afford to be Teachers

By Nikki Crishen Evans

Since I was 12 years old, I knew teaching middle schoolers math was my calling - I loved teaching my peers and helping them understand algebra! Unfortunately, as I got older, the reality of this dream got less attainable as I had to prioritize financial wellbeing. As I gained more knowledge about the cost of living, especially here in the Bay Area, my motivation to become a teacher dwindled immensely. I became discouraged in continuing the journey since a lot of educator positions would make it so that I can’t possibly do things like live on my own or, dare I say, travel a little bit. It is so sad to see how these experiences are now considered a luxury. 

Even if I were to take an educator position in the Bay, I wouldn’t be able to live in the same area as I teach in. That is the unfortunate reality of Bay Area teachers. Right now I am employed as a substitute teacher and I hear all the time how teachers need to be paid more, or feel that their labor is worth more than what they are getting. I also feel like parents, teachers, students, and admin are all pointing fingers at one another to blame for the state of the education system and the compensation for educators, but it is with solidarity with one another where we will find success. 

That's why it is so important for us to fight to increase public school funding, so aspiring educators can live, thrive, and teach in their own communities. Teachers are worth far more than what they are being compensated! 


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