California Association of Realtors Give Hollow Apology

A deep history of redlining and racial segregation has led to present day inequities that are difficult to correct. The California Association of Realtors has historically supported amendments, propositions, and bills that have supported bias and racial segregation in the housing market. This has led to drastic inequalities in home ownership, the value of homes, and generational wealth. 

While the California Realtors are issuing apologies for their racist past, more must be done! These practices are extremely unacceptable. They must do more than apologize for their past, and in order to do right by the communities they discriminated against, they must actively uplift them today. The reality is the opposite, however, since the California Realtors are STILL supporting and backing propositions that hurt those same communities over again. It is important to remember that the realtors are not neutral actors.

Rich Pedroncelli/AP Photo

California Realtors apologize for role in racist housing

By Sophie Austin, Associated Press | 10/21/2022


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