Pandemic Worsens an Already Struggling Education System

The pandemic has worsened an already struggling education system. After the pandemic shut downs, ⅔ of students were not meeting math standards and ½ of students were not meeting English standards. While each student took a deep hit during the pandemic, many students were already not meeting standards before the pandemic. Before the pandemic 60% of students were not meeting math standards and almost half of California students were not meeting English standards.

It is completely unacceptable that California, a state with one of the largest economies in the WORLD, is failing a majority of its students. California students NEED stable and equitable funding so that they can not only meet standards but also be provided a wholistic learning experience. Each student deserves far better than this. Now is the time to act, California. We must prioritize our schools and our next generation.

Francine Orr / Los Angeles Times


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