Housing as a Human Right

California is once again leading the way in progressive initiatives with Project Home Key. This initiative has given over 6,000 permanent apartments for the homeless with an additional $2.9 billion going to the program coming from the federal stimulus bill.

This is amazing news that California is creating a solution to our housing crisis! Unfortunately, it should not stop here. Additional funding we allocate to creating affordable housing, or housing in general, should not be limited to special situations like stimulus bills or years of surplus. We must always prioritize housing in California and treat it how it should be treated: as a human right; especially because the high cost of living has so many Californians in a precarious financial situation. By reforming Prop. 13 and closing the corporate loophole, we can have a continued and sustainable stream of revenue that will always be allocated to public services such as affordable housing.


Louisa Gouliamaki for Getty Images


How to Convert Hotels Into Housing for the Homeless

By Henry Grabar, Slate | 9/21/2021


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