Student Blog
Our interns and staff’s first-hand accounts of the issues public school students face today. This space is for students’ voices, personal experiences, and grievances about the public school system to be heard. Read their takes on class sizes, teacher diversity, mental health programs and so much more!
College Counselors for Kids
Ciara explains how a single high school counselor assigned to her whole school is detrimental to student success
A Call for Equitable Funding and Systemic Change
Tran explains how she came to realize how severe the educational inequity in California is after examining her own high school experience; one marked by counselor shortages and a toxic learning environment.
The Shortage of Fundamental Academic Needs
Ciara explains how her underfunding in her charter school forced families and students to beg for donations - and were left with staffing shortages and limited resources.
Youth engagement in politics is necessary
Tania explains why youth engagement in politics is necessary and the strides that youth engagement can make in the political sphere no matter how small.
Music is Essential!
Daisy tells her story of being a musician at a school that did not have a music program.
The Reality of Mental Health Services in California
Daisy discusses the realities of the mental health services in California and the danger’s they pose for real lives.
We Need FAIR Corporate Taxing, Not Charity Donations
Read Tania’s experience with corporate and private donations to her public school, and why this shouldn’t be the solution we turn to.
All Students Deserve a Library!
Keva believes that well funded public libraries should be available to ALL students, regardless of zip code!
Art Creates Expression
Nina explains the importance of creative arts programs in public schools.
My School Had a CEO
Read Tania’s education story for a unique perspective on charter schools! Are they truly a good alternative to traditional public schools?
Our Schools Must Support ALL Students
Daisy’s story shows that our education system needs to do more to support mental health needs and help students who are falling behind.
These are Basic Health Needs!
Caitlin discusses the hard work they had to go through in order to get basic sanitary needs. Read more about their experience dealing with the same problem in college.
America, a Dish for Others?
Read more about Nina’s experiences not only growing up Arab-American, but also the power they found through their identity and local politics!
Sex Ed Saves
Olivia describes why a comprehensive and inclusive sex ed is so necessary for students during critical high school years.
Ethnic Studies is Necessary for Student Retention
Read more to see why Dani thinks ethnic studies in high school matters more than you think.
The Anatomy of Politics: My Inspirational Teacher Story
Caitlin discusses her experience with an inspirational teacher at her public high school, and how this led them to pursuing politics.
American with a Hyphen
Nina’s experiences navigating the education system, especially applying for colleges, was confusing and inaccessible as a student with immigrant parents. Read more to learn why.
Queer, Emo, and in Public School? I Could Never
Olivia describes the trials of navigating queerness in education when it feels like your public school doesn’t want you there.
Why I Chose Community College
Read more to see what drove Dani to continue their educational journey.
The Crisis of Counselors
Caitlin describes their experience and understanding of counselors in public schools.